Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How to record a really bad teaching video

So in the spirit of sharing with you how I start our learning by doing things badly, I thought I'd show you the first video I made when I was trying to learn how to record a video of myself to share with my students on my course website. I am a Mac user, so I used Photo Booth (an app that comes built in on a Mac. I think there is a Windows equivalent). All I have to do is start the app, click on the "record" button and eureka, it video tapes me (picture and sound). But there are some important lessons that I learned here, and I'll share them with you:
  1. Brush your hair before you go on video
  2. Don't have a bright window behind you, because then your face is in shadow (and it helps if people can see your face so they can read your lips, too -- especially if they don't understand your accent very easily)
  3. Don't have a purring cat rubbing up against you while you are trying to talk (it is a nice touch to record a teaching video from your home, especially if you are teaching an online class, as this helps students to get to know you and also to feel that online learning and teaching can happen from anywhere). But be careful of what you show them in the picture (I once taught my class using Skype, from my study at home, but didn't realize that my jog bra was hanging on a hook just behind my head...)
  4. Don't have NPR or any other radio station or music playing in the background, as (especially if you are recording with your computer's built in mic and not a noise canceling headset mic) the mic picks up the sound around you, too.
See for yourself.. here's the video I made.. :)


Alina G said...

Hilarious! :-p

Samantha said...

Haha! You live, you learn! Cute kitty!