Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun new application -- voice sharing avatar Voki

The power of blogs! One of my students just shared this fun app with me via her blog, and I'm passing it along. It's called Voki, and allows you to create an avatar for yourself and have this share what appear to be essentially tweets using the voice of the avatar or you can record your own. I could see this be a fun app especially to get kids to be engaged in sharing reports about their work. If you have them type their message and have it translated into computer-speech (text-to-voice) this "tricks" them into writing and getting writing practice, and allows them to have their writing heard rather than read (which can benefit self-conscious writers).

Here is my first Voki attempt. Of course I look just like this::)

1 comment:

Dana said...

My daughter, who is four, had so much fun playing around with creating a Voki. She thought it was so cool to hear her own voice come back in the character she created.

As you said, it's fun, and I can see this being used for many educational purposes. One of the recommendations I read about was concerning ESL learners which supported what you said about individuals being self-conscious about writing or even speaking. It's personalization that isn't so personal, if that makes sense. I think of how much easier it is for me to "sign" versus say something that might be controversial or uncharacteristic of something I might say. Hearing my own voice can either give power or take some away depending on what the intent of my message is. This is cool stuff.