Friday, December 02, 2011

How to Convert Voice Memo (recorded on iPhone) into MP3 in iTunes and upload to Moodle

This week I had a question from one of my students about how to go about creating a voice recording and putting it into a Moodle course. I have recorded voice memos on my iPhone and before and emailed them to myself, but hadn't tried using these in a Moodle course before. So I decided to try this, and created a video to show how to do this.

I will also describe below the steps that I showed in this video in case you want to have them handy as you try out the process:
  1. Using my iPhone VoiceMemo app I recorded myself speaking
  2. From within the VoiceMemo app I selected the memo I had recorded, and emailed it to myself.
  3. I opened my email, and downloaded the memo into my iTunes account on my computer
  4. Next, in iTunes Preferences, I went to the Advanced settings --> clicked on the "Important settings" button and chose to import using MP3 encoder.
  5. Still in iTunes I opened the memo (To find it in my iTunes account I went to "Recently added" where it showed up as the latest voice memo that I had downloaded)
  6. I selected the memo and then under the "Advanced" file menu I chose "Create MP3 version" --> this saved a version of the voice memo in my iTunes account as an MP3 and added it in my list of Recently Added Voice memos.
  7. I then clicked on this version and dragged and dropped it onto my desktop (making it easy to find when I wanted to upload it to Moodle)
  8. Next I went to my Moodle course, selected the option to add a resource --> link to a file or website --> and followed the Moodle prompts to upload the MP3 voice memo (that I had dragged onto my desktop)
  9. This memo then was uploaded into Moodle and could be played as an audio file directly in Moodle.

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